Communicate. Create Vision. Motivate. Build. Plan. Achieve Desired Results.
Leadership retreats, especially those retreats facilitated off-site and away from the daily distractions of the office, bring together integral members of your leadership team to focus on big picture issues and strategies. Off-site retreats often allow leaders to reconnect and refocus on the organization’s goals, mission, vision and strategy for long term growth and success.
Strategic Planning retreats provide the opportunity for all participants to have a voice in an atmosphere that inspires a renewed focus on your organization’s strategies. Where organizations previously wanted to create a three to five year plan, all our 2021 retreats are focusing on the next 12 months. With COVID-19, too much is uncertain and rapidly changing. Each retreat concludes with action planning to determine what steps, processes and procedures need to be implemented to achieve desired outcomes.
Rising Stars’ leadership retreat facilitation helps your executives address challenges faced by change in the healthcare field, identify opportunities for building stronger relationships, growth and enhanced communication as well as leverage the strengths of the leadership team as a whole.
We also provide team building retreats and can blend team building and strategic planning to create customized retreat agendas to meet your needs.