About Rising Stars
Rising Stars works with healthcare leaders, executives, physicians and their teams who want to be their best, and deliver outstanding results as they transform their hospitals and care facilities, their teams and themselves to achieve their full potential.

COVID-19 is still impacting people of color at a far greater rate than the general population. Black, Latinx, Indigenous, Middle Eastern and Asian professionals are working harder to achieve recognition and get leadership opportunities that allow them to impact, advocate for, and assist others. Health care needs more leaders of color to mirror the communities they serve, to understand patient and community culture and need. The time is now.

Are you ready? You may want coaching if you, or members of your team, are:

  • Getting ready to go up the corporate ladder
  • Taking on a significant new project or scope of work
  • Struggling with rapid change or the pandemic's effect
  • Facing a work challenge and could use a confidential thought partner
  • Feeling plateaued and wanting to reignite
  • Recently hired or newly promoted
  • Wanting to improve interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence
  • Creating a more inclusive culture

You can leverage coaching and leadership development to make it happen.
Joanne Schlosser and the Rising Stars team has more than a decade of hands-on experience working in a variety of capacities within the healthcare field. Our extensive background in leadership and organizational development and training as well as change management and coaching continues to make Rising Stars a leading leadership development and coaching company.

Joanne and her team has coached more than 200 leaders, including hospital CEOs, COOs, CNOs, CFOs, CIOs, Administrators, Vice Presidents, Directors of Nursing, Pharmacy, Compliance and Medical Imaging, as well as physicians and physician leaders, CMOs, CMIOs, Medical Directors and more.

We understand that when leaders and employees are communicating and working together effectively for a common goal and vision, the outcomes include better patient care and satisfaction, improved processes and a higher degree of reliability and quality.

What we are best at

Our Services

The healthcare arena is changing at a rapid pace. A focus on patient-centered care, quality and patient safety are even more difficult when short staffed, short on supplies and dealing with the impacts of COVID-19 and the Delta variant. Could your senior leaders use confidential coaching to develop the strategies your organization needs to succeed?
Leadership Devleopment
Because we’ve worked with many acute care, post-acute, community health, behavioral health and hospital systems, we have the understanding and experience to create the program that’s right for your team.
We've led the Arizona Institute for Healthcare Leadership for many years.
Organizational Development
How are Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities Differentiating Themselves Today? By Improving Organizational Culture and Employee Engagement To Improve Outcome and Reduce Turnover.
Our people

Our world-class team

Judi Pine Sellers
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Joellyn Pollock
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Lori Linder
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Joanne Schlosser
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Free 30 minute intro coaching session
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