Joe Flowers, healthcare futurist provided great food for thought at the Arizona Healthcare Executives Annual Dinner on Oct. 19th. It’s no surprise to anyone in the healthcare field that the industry is rapidly changing. Many of the innovations Joe discussed exist already, but are not yet widely utilized. Here are a few nuggets worth considering: Trust will be a key driver: Technical trust means that information transfer and handoffs are seamless, secure and accountable. Currently 95% of doctors don’t get information on their patients transferred. The ACO model is not working. Human trust means that people listen to each other and rely on each others’ competence. Build systems and processes that are truly patient centered, put the patient into the communication about his/her status, so they can participate in care decisions. There will be fewer in person face to face interactions between the clinical team and the patient, yet there will be more constant communication and information sharing via smart phones and apps that will transmit data to their provider. Wearable devices and technology will play a much larger role, the future includes your phone, toilet seat and bathroom mirror being able to transmit data about your health. Remote monitoring and telemedicine will play a large role, certain types of patients will be discharged home with a home health nurse rather than an overnight visit. The price of technology will decrease significantly, currently a clinical robot may cost $15,000 to $45,000. Creative organizations have found ways to accomplish similar results with a tablet, pole and Roomba for $1,500. As costs plummet, accessibility will increase. As consumers pay more of their healthcare costs, they are more engaged and transparency will rise. Consumers will be able to price shop their procedures. Currently costs can vary within the same city up to 500% for certain tests and procedures. Spot auctions will be available for imaging or other services with same day appointments. Wouldn’t you rather fill an open time slot and keep staff utilized then have them sitting around or send them home? Medical tourism is growing with large, self insured organizations willing to send their employees out of town, with a family member, hotel, air, all inclusive to have certain procedures done where the quality of outcome is high and the price is low.For a copy of Healthcare Elements 2027, email